Oh, i missed to write the blog yesterday... it was my day filled with excitement. I somehow don't agree on writing words like "busy" or "hectic", they don't have that much fun in it.
The Monday or Mournday whichever you choose came, lot's of happy faces morphing to shocked faces as they started their day (here's it's your email which greets you). I was too excited to change my facial expression :)
Most of the day was spent working with some of the most brilliant minds I've ever come across, sadly my organisation chooses to call them "resources"; if I were given a chance I would have called them guru's. Some have mastered their art, and some are in the process of it. Whatever you say, it's fun being around. I wish I could work closely with most of them, and learn along.
The rest of the day was spent on an excel sheet, tweaking productivity figures for a possible project...bottom line "how we maximise profits in view of the effort". Don't scratch your head, even I was scratching mine while working on the excel sheet, didn't get a thing but managed to finish something.
The day went by pretty fast, and at 930 in the night, I caught my self taking pictures and posting them (check out the profile - yikees!!! i look plump)
Will write more as the action takes place...