Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Reality Check

Although, I was/am excited being a Project Manager (PM). It's just that I discover new abilities of oneself, as we go along performing the roles of a PM.

It never occurred to me that availability of an individual or more aptly titled "RESOURCE" in a competitive business world, can actually measured in percentages and all of us over perform keeping in mind the brackets of 100% allocation...still can't conclude are we over-capable or 100% can be quantified 100% of your life time in the organization !!!

Let's not forget, a resource can not be a resource unless it matches the skill requirement of a project.

Ok, I know I am not making much sense here, and it's the same case with me, even I can't make much sense of what I am writing.

So, in situations of confusion and finer elements of text, we bring along a smarter and more experienced resource, a Specialist...these are the rare gems in the organization who are actually rare* to find, either they are on leave or are not on their seats or they are allocated in such a manner that 100% is just to less to quantify their efforts in PM terminology. More on the rare gems, after a coffee break :)

*Note: I have all the respect on the planet for all my fellow human beings in the organisation. I mean no harm in any manner, unless otherwise asked for.