Monday, June 27, 2005

The usual treatment for many new starters...

A preview of what goes in finding the right CEO.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I Write Because...

A very interesting poem I came across in one of the groups I subscribe to.

I Write Because..
C 2005
Julie Jordan Scott

I write for a simple reason.
Life is better whenI come to the page every day and
put strings of letters and words and trace the etchings of my heart with language
so that people will know that I was there.
I don't write seeking perfection in
grammar or brilliance in syntax.
I write because I know it is not a luxury,
it is a necessity.

I write because my soul longs to be heard
and it gives the message to my fingers tapping
on this keyboard who in turn "get" how important
it is to have a life that is witnessed by others.

I write because the process brings me to
a greater understanding of me.
I don't write to make anyone else happy or
entertain or to inspire. That sometimes comes
as a result, but that is more akin to sharing
the light and warmth of the sun orenjoying a star lit sky.

The sunlight and the starry sky and my words
all come from the same source. They come
from divine orchestration - and just like the
sun and the stars agree simply by being exactly
what they are, I agree to write because I am.

I am a writer.

And, I am a Project Manager :)

Monday, June 20, 2005

Positive Thoughts